“ This project provides a comprehensive overview of the design process from research, copywriting and concept development, to type studies, sketching and iteration, to production of a final design. You will create three compositions that combine the following elements: a character, display type (headline), and text type (body copy). In each composition a different element will be visually dominant or primary. You may use any of the five type families we have studied thus far (Garamond, New Baskerville, Bodoni, Serifa or Univers). Type size, spacing, alignment and their effects on readability will be examined through a series of type studies. The establishment of a visual / informational hierarchy and the shaping and activation of negative space will be emphasized. ”  

In this project, we could choose whatever letterform or special character to utilize, research, and highlight through our compositions. I chose the “ w ” letterform for obvious reasons (my last name being “WIX”) and did corresponding research to find key information and historical context. I liked the more elegant and posher look of the Bodoni “w” form and decided to lean into an art-deco, VOGUE-esque style for the composition.